My roommate went to a party for everyone from Texas on BYU campus. They ate Bluebell ice cream and talked about cows and how big everything is where they're from.
It made me wish they would have a similar party for people from Colorado. It would be much better, of course, than the Texas party, and it would be a lot prettier too. There would be tables of people eating fresh herbs and healthy salads, and there would also be a long dessert table in the back with Rocky Mountain fudge. The entire evening would revolve around discussions of purple mountain majesties and rolling plains, and we'd top it all off with heart felt compliments to each other. The best part is, it wouldn't be in some ninny room in the Wilk. It would probably be in a beautiful meadow, which, although the Utah version would pale in comparison to the real deal, would remind us fondly of the gorgeous landscape back home. Lots of strangers at that party would probably fall in love because they would be so giddy with fresh mountain air and nostalgic doses of true Colorado humility.
Speaking of, I think they should have a party like that for all the people on BYU campus who know Krista Roy. It would have to be in the mountains too, sometime in the middle of summer because that's her favorite season. There would be big blankets laid out where people could sit cross legged and ask each other lots of questions because instant friendship is so important to her. They would eat milkways, gummy worms and maple bars; fajitas, grilled cheese and teriyaki chicken; hawaiian punch, chocolate milk and water. They would play Egyptian Ratscrew, but not for very long before they all took off and went for an endless run through the breathtaking mountain trails. They would paint their nails with their sisters, solve problems with innovative solutions and look at pictures of old times. They would be happy. And even though they wouldn't all know each other, they would feel perfectly comfortable because Krista would have it no other way.