Monday, September 12, 2011

Employment Part I (read this post first!)

The beginning of my sophomore year in college brought with it the transition from newbie to veteran, inexperienced to knowledgeable, and carefree to I-need-money-so-time-to-start-looking-for-a-job. There were tons of jobs everywhere and I knew I would find something if I searched and applied, so the wild hunt began a week before the school year started.

Custodial--poor hours. Applied anyway. Librarian--position filled. Nice try. Laundry worker--interview. No call back. Receptionist. Secretary. Tutor. Candy clerk. I filled out so many inquiries and gave my contact info away so often that when I talked to people I almost forgot there was more to my soul than just a line for my number and a spot for my emergency contact. Random numbers started calling me in the middle of class, only to leave messages that the position had been filled and thanking me for my interest. Praying ever fervently, I tried again and again until I finally hit what seemed to be a gold mine.

"Krista, this is Holly." Just a phone call I had actually caught between classes. What was this job again? "We received your application for the Sports Field Maintenance worker and would like to invite you in for an interview. Do you know where the Grounds Office is?"

The Grounds Office? Was there even such a place? I replied amiably and and set up an interview for the following day and went over potential questions in my mind. Maybe it was different work than ideal, but it was an interview, and I was going somewhere.

On the way home that day, my phone rang again. I answered, and a Jenna greeted me. "Krista? This is Jenna from the Grounds Office. We received your application for the Site Development Secretary and would like to invite you in for an interview. Do you know where the Grounds Office is?"

The Grounds Office again? Had I applied for the same position twice? Though I wouldn't put it past myself, I contemplated the two interviews coming the next day, hoping that since they seemed to be so closely related, some context clues would help me in the interview to know exactly the position for which I had applied.

Interview day arrived and I arose with the sun to prepare myself with a charismatic smile and endearing eloquence. As I began to apply mascara with an open mouth, my phone rang yet again, and Kimball Benson spoke to me from the other line.

"Krista, this is Kimball Benson." He sounded urgent almost, and I greeted him with a hello. I remembered him. He was the supervisor in the library with whom I had interviewed, but a candidate before me had gotten the job. "Great news! The position in the library has opened again, and we would like to offer you the job. If you're still interested, there's a training meeting on the first floor today at 1:00. Can you make it?"

My half mascared eyes widened in the mirror and my mouth began to form words of acceptance. A job! A job in the library! I told him I would make it to the training but that I had an interview at 11:00 I needed to attend first. He complied with my request and bid me farewell.


  1. Carol,

    I wanted to write the rest of this because it is an epic story, but I'm just not feeling it. In the future, maybe.

