Friday, September 16, 2011

Head On

My name is Krista Jae-Elrena Roy. I stand just 5 inches over 5 feet. I am 20. When I was younger, I made a toothpick consider a diet and didn't need a swimming pool with the hand-me-downs I wore. Now, my BMI speaks for my figure, and I feel happy when I look in the mirror. My hair sits on my head, tamed when untamed and wild when trained, depending on how I feel. If it turned into food, someone could make a sandwhich out of it. It is soft and fine like wheat bread, and mirrors the color of it too. I like my hair. It cooperates most days and when I want to try something different, it is along for the adventure. If only it were a little thicker.

My eyes BULGE! Most the time. HUGE. BLUE. EYES. That's why my parents named me Krista when I came out, because, of course, Krista is a hugebluebulgingeyes name. Not even the strictest elementary school teacher or the most intimidating police officer could get my mischevious little eyes to hold still. They like too much to take things in, and holding still just won't do.

My nose speaks for my heritage. I endearingly call it a Mesa Nose, because it is flat enough to serve as a table, and the Cherokee genes in my dad's blood put it there in the first place. But it eventually rounds out to a little cumulus cloud. So it's flat and round. Like the rat I found.

My lips are small. My mom gave me those on purpose so any boy who tries to kiss me always has a hard time.

I don't want to talk about my teeth. They get the job done, but the dentist certainly got his job done on me.

I have zygomatics that stick out like a cow's hips and funnel down to a defined chin small enough to nestle comfortably in my cupped hand, which often happens. You could say my palm knows my chin like the back of my hand.

I've a well-structured head. Nothing fabulous like the celebrities or fantastical dream girls in the heads of all the boys walking around, but theirs might turn every now and then with the sight of mine. It's on a good set of shoulders...

Did I get that right?

Oh. Yes.

I've got a good head on my shoulders.

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